Some Vulcan words... acha - how many acho - how much ainama - beautiful aisha - love aiya - star aiya-was - starship akaxo - alien, out-worlder anasu - eye anu wunu - a Vulcan weapon asha - mediitate atai - far atako - there atano - few cha - blood chamai - big chameto - ancestor chasu - long chatai - Excuse me! chaxa - white chikaru - animal chisu - short chosha - work choto - more daifu - sick e - fire Eikana - English (language) Eitara - Earth (planet) emafa kito - Vulcan mind touch emafa suru - Vulcan mind meld emi - never ero - after eru - day esha - go eta - Vulcan nerve pinch fanasu - nose faruwa - dirty fikaru - strong fokima - sister fokimo - brother fuma - female fumo - male futisha - speak ha - yes (note: this is the only time that the `h' sound is used) imi - sometime ina - no ipai - slow iri-kaisha - intermarriage iro - before iru - night isha - do isu - down itai - near itaru - ugly itisha - is, are, am iya - hungry kaisha - marriage kaifa - wife kaifo - husband kalifa - Let the ceremony begin! kalifi - challenge kara - why karosha - prosper kasei - phaser kasemano - doctor kasu wanu - Vulcan maturity test kesu - young kima - afternoon kome - another konaya - food konusha - understand kotai - little kulifa - I refuse! kuramano - ambassador kuroika - stop (command) lanasu - ear laxa - yellow limatuya - Vulcan wild animal loma - morning macha - today machi - hot mafa - mind maiya - please manasu - leg masha - have maxa - brown mekano - name mekina - mother mekino - father moi - good moichino - truth mosha - eat nachama - surprising nanasu - foot nanuto - what nasha - live nato - moment nemaiyo - thank-you nemusha - sleep no - and nome - all noto - really osera - age oyaka - splendid oyori - good-bye panasu - toe pata - hour ponu faru - mating time pulomiku - Vulcan soup racha - weather ranasu - arm rano - logical rato - Vulcan grapes raxa - black reito - passport reiya - water rena - health rochinu - acadamy seino - Of course! seisha - give seiya - science selatu - sehlat (Vulcan pet) semara - fascinating shacha - hello shayo - brandy shaxa - blue shiru - pause (sentence) shokuto - hotel (oh well, I guess Vulcans can have hotels too!!!) shoto - end (sentence) t' - (followed by name) signifies woman is bonded (married) tai - long taiya - old taiyo - chess tako - here talu shaya - kill by snapping the neck tara - planet taxa - red tema - evening tesha - wait toi - time urikisha - read wani - me wanimo - my waru - bad wasu - ship woku - book Yakana - Vulcan (language) yako - where yami - night yana - you yanamo - your yanasu - finger yasha - come Yatara - Vulcan (planet) yatomi - cold yaxa - green yorosha - want 1 - ana 6 - rana 2 - nina 7 - nena 3 - shina 8 - lona 4 - wana 9 - xina 5 - shana 10 - kuna 10's: 11 - ku-ana 12 - ku-nina , etc. 20's: 20 - nina-ku 21 - nina-ku ana , etc. 30's: (same idea as 20's) 30 - shina-ku , etc. -same with 40-99 100's: 100 - ana-rai 200 - nina-rai , etc. 1000's: 1000 - ana-sai 2000 - nina-sai , etc. example: 13, 543 is "ku-shina-sai shana-rai wana-ku shina" NOTES: -the vowel "u" when preceded by a consonant, is silent. (then why do they put it there?!? Aren't they supposed to be super logical? Silent vowels are not logical.) -2-syllable words: the stress is usually on the first syllable -3 or more syllable words: the stress is usually on the second syllable -the given verbs are Present Positive. To make them negative, add "nai" (change "sha" ending to "shanai"). To make them past, change the `a' to `i' ("sha" becomes "shi"). To make them future, change the `a' to `o' -In making a sentence, the verb is placed at the end (eg: "Borgs nice are not") Examples: "Live Long and Prosper": "Tai nasha no karosha" "It is not logical": "Rano itishanai" How many sentences can you make with these words, boys and girls? :-)